Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Deviantart prints

I am in the process of updating some of the images in my Deviantart gallery. I'm adding larger size images and enabling the prints option on a lot of my work. Did you know that you can get magnets with my artwork on them? I never really paid attention to the whole printing thing, but apparently you can get a lot of different items, like mugs, magnets, mousepads...even puzzles. Just think about can get a puzzle made out of my artwork. They also do calendars. I wish I had known about that last year when I did would have saved me a shitload of headaches.

Anyway, I'm also uploading the full sized versions of a lot of my "cropped sample" images there as well (at least, the ones that I can post on DA). I'm also adding the full size, full color versions of some of the B&W images. I'm enabling prints on those too...and going forward, any images I upload there will be the high rez stuff with prints enabled.

It's going slowly, so it may be a couple of days before I get everything uploaded. If you haven't taken a stroll through my DA gallery, now would be a good time:

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I'm out

Well, maybe not COMPLETELY out...but, it's painfully obvious that nobody wants to pay to see my work...either through my galleries or by way of commissions.

So, I'm going to step away (a bit) from the "mature" artwork business. My Eroticillusions/Cybrotica galleries will be set to archive status, which basically means the artwork will still be there for anyone who wants to pay to see it, but there just won't be anymore regular updates. Oh, I'll still do that type of artwork and add new stuff to my galleries when I feel like it...just not on a regular basis. It just got to the point where I was spending every free moment I had making artwork for a gallery that no one was seeing. It just didn't make sense to waste all that time and effort for nothing. After watching really shitty artists make money with the snot they churn out...while I couldn't even get a sniff of attention with the work I did...I came to the conclusion that people seem to be morons for wanting to pay good money for bad artwork. So, I'm out.

To those of you who chose to support me over the years...thank you.

To those of you liked to leave shitty little comments like "why should I pay when there's plenty of free porn on the internet"...fuck you.

What does all this mean? Well, after I take some time to just enjoy life and catch up on all the stuff I've put off in favor of my artwork, I'll turn my attention to the types of artwork I want to do for fun...artwork I never seemed to have time for because I was expending all my effort on work for my galleries.

And, I'm still available for commissions or other projects...that won't change.

If you're one of the fuckwits who've been putting me down and hoping I win. Feel better now?

Monday, August 1, 2011

My view on things

So, after watching the circus of our wonderful government dick around with this debt ceiling bullshit, I've come to one, enlightened conclusion:

I no longer give a fuck...about anything.

Seriously...these assholes are supposed to represent and work FOR the people of the U.S.? Really? Because they do a damn good impression of monkeys flinging their own poo at each other.

I'm sorry...I just can't be bothered to give a fuck anymore.

Just look at all the fucks I'm not giving.