Monday, January 31, 2011

Gallery review - January

A thumbnail collage of the images I uploaded to my galleries in January. Yeah, you counted right...that's 50 images. That's a taste of what you're missing by not being a member. :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Characters for V4 - for sale at Poserdirect

Demonz - N'Challa for V4:

Mechazinz - Black Metallic for V4:

They're cheap. :)

Galleries updated

Both my Eroticillusions and Cybrotica galleries have been updated. Here's a sample of some recently added images:

More sample images

Some more samples:

Friday, January 28, 2011

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

How freakin' cool is this show?

Finally, after all these years, that stupid "bring balance to the force" bullshit finally gets some sort of explanation. It's just one more thing that proves Lucas had no clue what he was doing when he came up with that concept if it took this long to even address it.

Luke and Leia are siblings? Lucas intended that all along? Yeah...that's why he had her plant a big, wet, sloppy kiss on him in "Empire". Yeah...that was DEFINITELY the plan all along.

F U George Lucas.

Previews of recently posted images

Every week, I post a preview of recently added images on the Eroticillusions forums and my freesite (link is on the frontpage of my gallery). I'll post the last three, just to get things started.

Commission information

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More samples

Some more samples:

To get things started, here are a couple of sample images, showing what type of work you can expect when you sign up. You may have seen them somewhere before. If you have...congratulations, you're a pervert!

A blog of my own

First post!  Yay me.
So, I finally decided to start up a blog as a way of doing more promotion for my paysite galleries, The Other Realm.  Basically, I'll post stuff here that other places (like Deviantart) probably won't let me post.  I'll also post when I have new stuff to sell for the Poser/DAZ audience.

If you don't already know, my galleries are located at theotherrealm dot eroticillusions dot com


theotherrealm dot cybrotica dot com  (if you're so lazy that you can't figure that out and type it in, you probably don't deserve to look at dirty pictures to begin with).

Why do I have two galleries?  Well, the simple answer is that the world is full of idiots and they're usually the ones that make the decisions I have to live with.  The long, involved answer is that the credit card companies/banks that my galleries use came up with the brillant idea that images involving sex with non-humans (aliens, elves, etc.) is...get this...bestiality.  Yeah...I'm not making that up.  If I do an image of some guy porking a hot blonde, that's okay.  But if I give her pointed ears and call her an elf, then it's suddenly besitality.  Like I said...the world is full of idiots.  So, basically, the two galleries (which are essentially the same for one, get access to both), are a stupidly simple way of messing with the banks by hiding in plain sight the things they don't want to see.

Thus begins the era of this blog.