I'm tired. Actually, I'm really, really tired.
I'm tired of trying. I've been at this art thing for about 6 years now, and I've seen practically no return on my investment of time and money. I'm tired of seeing lesser artists get praise and (more importantly) money. I'm tired of not being taking seriously because I happen to do "adult" art. I'm tired of busting my butt every week to produce the best artwork I can, only to watch it sit there in hidden obscurity.
I'm tired of it all. So, I'm going to give it until July, which marks my 3 year anniversary with Eroticillusions. If I don't see some sort of improvement, monetarily, by then...I'll just pack it in and call it quits.
So...there you go. I'm tired and fed up with it all. And if things don't improve, I'm done.
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