Friday, April 29, 2011

Galleries updated

New images added to both my Eroticillusions and Cybrotica galleries:

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Galleries udpated

New images added to both my Eroticillusions gallery and my Cybrotica gallery:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Some samples

Some more samples to pass the time:

No power = no new images

Electricity is a wonderful, wonderful thing...but life sucks when you don't have it.

As I posted in my DA journal (, I was without power from Sunday night to Wednesday night. I then spent Thursday dealing with all the crap I wasn't able to do the first part of the week...and re-stock my fridge and freezer because of the crap that spoiled thanks to the shitheads at the power company that couldn't get my juice on sooner.

So basically, what this all means is that there will be no new images added to my galleries this week. I'll just call this a week of downtime and a chance to recharge the creative batteries.

Look for new work next weekend.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Summertime and commissions

Summer is approaching...yay! Everything's so GREEN!

Speaking of summer, you ever try to find replacement parts for a pool pump that's 25 years old? I can tell you from experience, it ain't fun. It's never a good thing when you're vaccuming out the pool, and from the pump you hear "CRUNCH!". I walked over and took a look...the little plastic basket that collects all the crap and keeps it from going into the filter decided to explode. And it's a bitch trying to find a replacement.

Oh yeah...just in case you didn't know...I do take commissions. I know that has nothing to do with summer and pools, but such is the random nature of my thinking. The basics of commissions are as follows:

- $20 (USD), you pay all fees (and I mean ALL of them...that conversion from the beads and buttons the European folks use as currency is a bitch); payment upfront; Paypal only
- Your commission is usually finished within 2 weeks from the time I start working on it
- I can tackle just about any subject matter, save for extreme stuff and things that are just f'ing gross
- I will haggle about details to some degree, but if you want to nit-pick every tiny little detail, I'll politely tell you that I just don't have the time and will suggest someone else
- everything is negotiable and subject to change

Galleries updated

New work added to both my Eroticillusions and Cybrotica galleries. Remember, if you join one, you get access to both.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Some more samples

Here are some more free samples. The time change really threw off my body's clock, and I've felt like crap the last couple of weeks. I think I'm finally getting adjusted to it, so hopefully I'll keep more up to date on this blog.

Galleries updated

New work added to both my Eroticillusions and Cybrotica galleries: